• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – September 1, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 16 Acting for each other. As we’ve seen Nehemiah passing and acting, today we see that the actions are also often for each other. Read Nehemiah 4:19-23. The people were still in danger and as a result they were needing to protect themselves, but they were very spread out. So they had to be able to signal each other and let them know they were in trouble. For us, do we call for help when we need it? Do we come to the aid of others when they need it? We must continue to pray, act, and act for others as well.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 31, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 15 Back to action. Read Nehemiah 4:10-18. Nehemiah has been praying and God has heard his prayer, and now it’s time for action again. The threats continue and the enemies are surrounding them. So God shares with Nehemiah a plan to keep the work moving and the people safe. Again the people were focused on getting the work done, but they didn’t neglect the precautions that they needed to take for themselves and their families. They armed themselves and and did the work that needed to get done. They were ready for an attack at any moment. As we go through our day, do we recognize…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 30, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 14 Pray and act. Again, Nehemiah combines the prayer needed with the action required. Read Nehemiah 4:6-9. The work continued, but so did the threats. As the people made progress and God blessed the work they were doing, those who were in opposition to them became more aggressive. They upped the ante. The opposition increased and turned into not just ridicule, but actual threats of action. Nehemiah did what he had to do to protect the people and the work that God was doing. He prayed to God. And he posted a guard. It’s important to make sure that we are asking God for help and…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 29, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 13 Back to prayer. We have seen Nehemiah in action for the last little bit and now he is back to prayer. Read Nehemiah 4:1-5. So much work was done in chapter 3. We saw gates hung and walls rebuilt and the people coming together to truly accomplish all of God’s purposes and plans. However, that’s usually when the enemy starts to strike hardest. As we see coming forward, now the people are being ridiculed. How do we respond when we are being ridiculed by others? We pray. It is not our job to defend God’s plan and purpose in our lives. That’s God’s job. We…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 28, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 12 Are we agile? As we continue reading through the list of those who built the wall, we see some other characteristics. Read Nehemiah 3:22-32. As we continue through the list of people who built on the wall, we continue moving around the city of Jerusalem. We see so many different types of people working on building this wall. Interestingly, we realize that for many of them, building a wall was not their primary profession. In this last verse, verse 32, we see goldsmiths and other fine metal artisans involved in a simple construction project of building a wall. The question that came to me, are…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 27, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 11 Everyone plays a role. As Nehemiah’s plan moves forward, everyone participated, even if it was just a small part. They were all mentioned and listed. Read Nehemiah 3:13-21. We all have a part to play. As you read through through this chapter and the list of names and places that were rebuilt because of Nehemiah’s boldness and follow through on God’s plan, we quickly realize that some sections are larger than others. Some people did more than others. Some people didn’t do as much. Yet, all were listed here. It’s important to understand that our obedience to God is enough. The quantity of the impact…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 26, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 10 Do the work. The people heard the vision that Nehemiah had and they accepted it and got busy. Read Nehemiah 3:1-12. Everyone had a role to play. They people were focused on doing there work that God had set before them. Even the daughters of one family got involved were building the wall. It doesn’t matter who we are or what we are doing, God has a place for us and work for us to be doing. Are we getting done the work that God has for us?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 25, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 9 How do we respond to opposition? Certainly, Nehemiah was in an interesting position. He had just spelled out the master plan God had given him. And right off the bat, opposition. Read Nehemiah 2:19-20. As we face opposition, what do we do? This should have been a high point for Nehemiah. After explaining what God had shared with him, the people were excited and on board. This was a high point for Nehemiah. And what happens directly after? Opposition. This seems to be the way things always work. God moves in amazing ways and as a result, Satan moves as well. People rise up to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 24, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 8 Cast the vision. As we continue, we see that Nehemiah made the journey around the city to truly see exactly the state and the condition everything was in. Read Nehemiah 2:14-18. Now that Nehemiah knows exactly where things are at, it’s time for him to actually share the vision that God has given him. He speaks with the people and explains to them why he has come and what God has put in his heart to do. Nehemiah waits to share that vision until the right time, but when the time comes, he shares it with all the people. How do we share the visions…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 23, 2022

    Prayer in Action, Day 7 God’s plan. Nehemiah knew that God had given him a mission, but he had not yet shared that with anyone. Read Nehemiah 2:11-13. Nehemiah knew he had to do something. He knew that God had given him a goal and a mission. He probably even had a basic idea of what that mission entailed. However, he didn’t start by giving orders. He started by assessing the situation. Nehemiah went around and actually took a good long look at the current state of the city. When God gives us direction and a plan, do we seek to understand how he wants us to implement the plan?…