Christian Devotional – October 8, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 33 Relationships. Read Genesis chapter 33. Jacob had been so worried about this encounter. Honestly, he probably thought about it for years and it may have been why he stayed where he did for as long as he did. How would his brother treat him? Now he has the answer to that. His brother is kind to him. Jacob’s response is to recognize that it wasn’t about gifts or stuff, but the relationship was what mattered. When we look at our lives, it’s not about the things that we have. Our possessions will come to mean nothing and will ultimately belong to someone else after we die.…
Christian Devotional – October 7, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 32 Where we came from. Read Genesis chapter 32. As we go through new beginnings, it’s important to take time to look back and see where we’ve been. We are only where we are because of where we have been in the past. Our situations and circumstances, even the hard ones, have forged us into the individuals that we are today. Our perspective is colored by the experiences we have lived through up to this point. Jacob has this moment as well. As Jacob is remembering what his life was like 20 years ago when he came through that land at that time, we also need to…
Christian Devotional – October 6, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 31 God sees. Read Genesis chapter 31. Jacob is heading home. He leaves and he’s worried about leaving. As it turns out, he had reason to be worried. Laban chased them down. God has the situation in complete control. Jacob was concerned and was worried. But, God had the entire situation under control. Jacob says here the importance of the fact that God sees him. God sees us too. He knows what we are going through and he keeps the situation well in hand. Are we trusting God to take control of all situations, because he is in control of all situations? Check out today’s video devotional…
Christian Devotional – October 5, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 30 Fruitless frustration. Read Genesis chapter 30. Rachel is not having children and instead of trying to come to God and understand why, she throws a fit. She blames Jacob and gets angry and frustrated with him. How often have we experienced issues and problems and we spend all of our time getting angry at the wrong place and in the wrong direction? If we are not bringing our problems and issues to God and asking for his help and understanding, then we are missing the opportunity and our frustration will continue. Are we seeking God in the areas that he controls, or are we just getting…
Christian Devotional – October 4, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 29 Recognize where our blessings come from. Read Genesis chapter 29. A lot happens in this chapter, and we learn a lot about Jacob and who he is. We also realize that he meets his match in his uncle Laban, as far as deceitfulness is concerned. But today, this verse about Leah really struck me. Leah was in a difficult situation. She was unloved in marriage and God saw that. God took care of her, but Leah didn’t recognize that. The first three sons she had, she thought she could use that to be able to make Jacob love her, instead of recognizing where those blessings came…
Christian Devotional – October 3, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 28 Stairway to heaven. Read Genesis chapter 28. Despite what any song may say, this is the original, and the only stairway to heaven. As we read about Jacob’s dream and seek to understand how this applies to him, we see that God was letting him know he’s with him. He is there. It didn’t matter what Jacob was going through and didn’t matter where he was going to, he needed to understand that God was always going to be with him. As we go through new beginnings and move toward the new things that God has for us, we need to understand that God is with…
Christian Devotional – October 2, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 27 “Do what I say.” Read Genesis chapter 27. Parents have a greater responsibility. Similar to leaders, they are giving advice and counsel to others so what they tell people to do matters. Rebekah wanted what she wanted for her don and she directed him to do it. While she said to let the consequences fall on her, it’s hard to believe that she had really thought them through. Do we make rash decisions and then lead others in those as well? Do we really think through the consequences of what we are saying and directing others to do? How can we lead people to do like…
Christian Devotional – October 1, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 26 Peace. Read Genesis chapter 26. In this chapter, we learn much more about Isaac the man. Typically throughout scripture, we think of Isaac as either the son of Abraham or as the father of Jacob and Esau. Rarely do we think of him as his own person. This chapter allows us to get a glimpse into who Isaac was as a man. We see that he had several of the same faults as his father, but we also see him as the consummate peacemaker. He is always looking for a way in which to live in peace and harmony with those around him. It does not…
Christian Devotional – September 30, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 25 Excessive. Read Genesis chapter 25. Rebekah wasn’t the only woman to have her kids wrestle around in her womb, but it must have been so excessive since she went to ask God about it. It’s amazing to think about how much movement would have been considered excessive, and just how much fussing and fighting was going on between Jacob and Esau before they were even born. God obviously had planned for all of that, but it’s interesting to realize that Rebekah wanted to understand what that plan was and why things seemed to be unusual. Do we try to fix them or do we go to…
Christian Devotional – September 29, 2024
New Beginnings, Day 24 Take action. Read Genesis chapter 24. As we read through this chapter today, we see the amazing story of God’s provision through relationship. There is a plan for Isaac and God makes a way for Rebekah to be identified as the one for him, but ultimately, Rebekah has to make a choice and a decision to actually go with the servant. She had people on both sides of the issue around her. But, she made the decision to go. For us, we are always going to be asked by God to be obedient, but there will always be action that must be taken. We need to…