
Christian Devotional – April 22, 2019

Motivation. What motivates us to share what we’re supposed to enter teach in to train others about Christ? Paul was challenging Timothy specifically with his motivation. See 1 Timothy 1:5.

But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

Paul has just finished encouraging Timothy to be sure that he is challenging the wrong teaching of those days. Now he’s reminding him what those challenges should look like. When we challenge others, it must come from a place of seeking and desiring to see them grow and improve. It must come from a place of love. We must have pure motives when we confront others.

We are not to confront other people out of selfish motivation, a desire to see them fail, or desire to just build ourselves up. Our motivation is to come from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. When we challenge others, are those our motivations? Do we truly desire to see other people improve their relationship with Christ because it will benefit them, not because of any benefit to ourself? Check our motivations today.