
Christian Devotional – April 5, 2022

The Essential Jesus, Day 95

Christ is coming again and will make all things new. As we read day 95 of the Essential Jesus reading plan on, we read Revelation 21 and 22.

Jesus is coming and he will make all things new. There will be a new heaven and a new Earth and all of the pieces of creation that were damaged and tainted by sin will fall away. God will recreate everything exactly the way that he wants it. We have the opportunity to come and be part of this new creation and to be recreated by God as well.

If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, part of that salvation includes saving us from our sinful selves. When Christ comes again, we will be recreated recreated and made new. This is such an amazing promise! As we read these chapters we see everything that God is going to make new. We see his promise that he is going to return again. Are we excited about his return? Are we looking forward to it and waiting in great anticipation? Are we telling others so that they are ready for his return as well?