
Christian Devotional – August 14, 2017

Looking at the next section in 1 Thessalonians, we see in chapter 2 verses 9-12 how our Behavior around others and our encouragement of others matters. Paul explains that he and his group had been in Thessalonica and had walked the talk. They lived uprightly and blamelessly in front of others, and as a result they were able to offer encouragement to those people who needed it while they were walking the Christian Life.

Are we consistent in our walk? Do we walk what we say we believe and can others see it as they look at our lives? As we do that, we will be able to encourage people to continue and to grow faithful in their walk. It’s never easy. But, being consistent in our walk, or even picking ourselves back up when we fall during our walk, helps others to see that they can do it too. Let’s be an example and an encouragement to others today!