Christian Devotional – December 18, 2020
Blessed is the Word, ת

I need help! That is what the psalmist says and often, that is what we say as well. Read Psalm 119:169-176.
May my cry come before you, Lord ; give me understanding according to your word. May my supplication come before you; deliver me according to your promise. May my lips overflow with praise, for you teach me your decrees. May my tongue sing of your word, for all your commands are righteous. May your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts. I long for your salvation, Lord , and your law gives me delight. Let me live that I may praise you, and may your laws sustain me. I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands.
Psalms 119:169-176 NIV
Help me! Heal me! Deliver me! All of these and more, God promises to do. It doesn’t matter how down, depressed, devastated we are, He is there and through His word, he offers hope.
I know that personally, I am struggling. My feelings tell me that I am worthless and a failure at what I do. I am told by others that I do not measure up and most days, I am so close to just giving up. I don’t know why I am going through what I am, but I know that I can trust God’s Word to be truth in my life, even when my feelings, or even the people around don’t line up.
God’s Word is truth. We can hang on to it in the darkest times, when we have no other light.