Christian Devotional – December 25, 2021
The Coming King, Day 23

Jesus is born!! Read Luke 2:10-11.
Merry Christmas! Jesus has been born and today is the day that we celebrate his birth. The angels announced his birth to a group of shepherds in the field. They explained that the Savior, the Messiah, the Christ had been born. The amazing thing about this birth was that this was God coming to Earth. God in the flesh now on Earth in human form. However, that’s not the end of the story.
While celebrating Christ’s birth is of amazing importance, the bigger importance is because of what Christ would do later in his life when he died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins and then rose from the dead. Are we celebrating the birth of the king today? Do we recognize that the birth is only the beginning of the story of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done? We must continue the journey to truly understand who Jesus is and all that he has done for us.