
Christian Devotional – December 28, 2019

They knew all along. When Herod went to his wise men to understand what the magi had told him, all his advisers were able to find the answer he was looking for. They had known the answer all along of where the king of the Jews would be born. Read Matthew 2:5-6.

They said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for this is what has been written by the prophet: ‘ and you , bethlehem , land of judah , are by no means least among the leaders of judah ; for out of you shall come forth a ruler who will shepherd my people israel .'”
Matthew 2:5‭-‬6 NASB

They found the information. They looked through all the records and all the writings that they had and they were able to identify the name of the city where the king of the Jews would be born. However, that did not mean that they believed. That did not mean that they understood all that God had indicated regarding the birth of his son. All they saw was just the name of a city. If the Magi had not come and asked, they would never have even thought to seek out the information from the scripture in the first place.

How often do we have access to the answers to the things that we should know, but yet we don’t actually look at the information or try to understand what the information means? We have God’s word readily available to us and yet so often, we neglect the study of it and we don’t seek out the answers that we need from it.

Are we studying God’s word? Are we digging through and finding the answers to our day-to-day life within the pages of God’s holy word to us? We should be. Are we studying and applying God’s word to our life daily?