
Christian Devotional – December 5, 2022

Four of the Letters, Day 3

Jesus Christ completed the work of salvation. Read Galatians chapter 3.

Paul is explaining the importance of the gospel. Jesus Christ came and through his life, death, and resurrection, we can experience salvation. The people Paul was speaking to understood this, however they were also trying to make the law fit in with this as well. As a result, Paul calls them foolish. How can we start something through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that somehow we finish through our own efforts and works?

The law was given for the sole purpose of helping us to understand just how sinful we truly are. We can see very easily through the law that we will never measure up to the standard that God has given for perfection. However, Jesus Christ lived up to that standard and through him, we can be justified to God. This work can only be done through the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. The law cannot justify us.

Paul reminds us that need to rely solely on Jesus Christ for our salvation. He is all we need to look to, to be made right with God.