
Christian Devotional – February 14, 2025

Avoiding the Rollercoaster, Day 14

Ahh, love at first sight. Read Judges chapter 14.

This seems an appropriate story for Valentine’s Day. Here we see Samson going out on a walk and he spies a beautiful woman. He goes home and tells his parents that she should be his wife. Only problem is that she is one of their enemies and one of the people that are oppressing the Israelite people right now.

God has a plan for all of this, and he wants to bring judgment on the Philistine people. But as a general rule, our emotions should not dictate our actions like they do for Samson. So much of Samson’s life is ruled by his emotions. He’s angry and so he does something. He’s in love, and so he does something. These types of whims become problematic when trying to be consistent in your Christian walk. The way I feel today is not going to be the same way I will feel tomorrow. Emotions change.

Are we willing to take a look at all the things that we have done and see the truth of God’s word in them, instead of being directed by emotion. Passion is important within our marriage relationship, but should not be the guiding directive behind our decision-making skills. We should seek God and his direction to understand how to best navigate these important life decisions.

Video Devotional found here:–QZu08L8