Christian Devotional – February 18, 2025
Avoiding the Rollercoaster, Day 18

What happens when your gods are easy-come, easy-go? Read Judges chapter 18.
Yesterday, we saw how Micah set up his own religious system. He wanted his own gods that he could control, manipulate, and have in his own house to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Unfortunately, when you have your gods set up that way, anybody can take them. So others who came walking by decided they wanted the gods. And they took them.
Our faith must be in more than something that can just be snatched away and taken by others. Do we understand the true nature of who God is and what he does? When we understand that, we realize that God cannot be taken away. God is more powerful and more strong than we are and as such, he cannot be just taken. Do we put our faith in what is stronger than we are? Are we trusting in the only one who can actually save us, instead in something that we need to save?
Video devotional here: