
Christian Devotional – February 28, 2022

The Essential Jesus, Day 59

Faith. Do you have big or little faith? What is your faith in? Reading day 59 of the Essential Jesus reading plan on, we see that Jesus tells them that they have too little faith. Read Matthew 14:22-33.

It’s interesting here to see Jesus reference small faith. In other places, Jesus reminds people that they can move mountains with even a small amount of faith. So, how much faith do you need?

Well, the way Jesus was explaining to them, they need to have faith, but it needs to be in the right things. The disciples here were thinking about theie own abilities that got them only as far is it did. When they think about or trust in themselves, it’s not going to work out the way you want.

We need to make sure that our faith is in the right thing. Our faith must be in Jesus and Him alone. With him, he can bring us through anything.