
Christian Devotional – January 1, 2014

Before we jump into the devotional for today, I wanted to offer you a challenge for the New Year. We are going to begin January going through the book of Proverbs. I want to encourage you to read through the entire chapter of Proverbs each day, not just the one verse here. To make it easier, I’ve provided a link to an online Bible. God has great wisdom in His Word for how to live our lives and it will make a great start to a blessed New Year.

Read Proverbs Chapter 1


Proverbs 1:7–The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.


The book of Proverbs is a great tool for people who are looking for wisdom. Solomon wrote much of this book and he starts right away explaining that wisdom begins and ends with the Lord. As we are seeking the knowledge and instruction that will help us do whatever the Lord asks of us, we must also seek wisdom from Him as well. As we seek to follow the Lord, He will give us wisdom. Do we seek to follow Him or do we despise Him and choose to be a fool?


Father, You are the source of all wisdom and knowledge. You are the beginning of knowledge and through You knowledge is completed. Today, I will seek to know nothing apart from You and all that You do and have done.