
Christian Devotional – January 29, 2025

Understanding Purpose, Day 20

We achieve what we achieve so that we can bring glory to God. Read Exodus 9:16.

If you first read this verse by itself, it can be easy to think that it must be talking about Moses. However, God is speaking to Pharaoh in these verses. As we read through the entire chapter, we see that God is delivering the message of the plagues through Moses to Pharaoh. These words are meant for Pharaoh. God raised up Pharaoh for the very purpose of being able to demonstrate God’s power and proclaim his name through the world. God had purpose even for Pharaoh, who did not believe in him.

God has purpose for every single one of us. We can acknowledge his Lordship in our life, and he can use us to accomplish his purpose and his glory. Or we can refuse to acknowledge his Lordship in our life, and he will still use us to accomplish his glory. The only difference is whether or not we get to enjoy and participate in that glory. Pharaoh was ultimately destroyed by God’s demonstration of his power.

Will we surrender to the Lord today? In doing that, he can use us to achieve his purposes and his glory. If we don’t surrender, then God will still use us to show his glory, but we may be destroyed in the process.

Video devotional here: