
Christian Devotional – January 30, 2025

Understanding Purpose, Day 21

Desire and Purpose. Read 1 Chronicles 22:7.

David had a desire. David loved the Lord and he wanted to build a temple for the Lord. However, that was not God’s purpose for David. God told David that his desire did not match God’s purpose. But God told him that his son would build the temple, so David did absolutely everything he could to get ready for fulfilling that purpose. He could have been frustrated and angry that God’s purpose for him did not include what he desired to do. Instead, he accepted God’s purpose and worked to make it possible for God’s purpose to be fulfilled by others, even those coming after him.

Do we recognize when our desire does not align with God’s purpose for us? Do we accept that and then move into alignment with God’s purpose? If we’re not careful, we will allow our desires to become almost like idols that we set up above God. Our desires do not always match gods purpose for our life. God understands, and will replace those desires if we will allow him to.

Are we willing to accept God’s purpose for our lives, or do we hold on to our desires so tightly that we miss what God has for us now?

Video devotional here: