
Christian Devotional – January 30, 2016

Read Genesis chapter 45


Genesis 45:7–But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.


Joseph had waited several years through captivity and bondage to be able to speak with his brothers. Now that he had the chance, he didn’t waste time on anger, bitterness and hate. Joseph had allowed God to heal his heart long before he even saw his brothers the first time so Joseph could honestly and truly mean these words. Joseph saw the bigger picture that God had planned for him. He may not have even realized it until he saw his brothers standing in line the first time. At that moment, he realized that God had worked through the evil situation in order to save his family. Do we seek to understand God’s bigger picture through our circumstances? God has a plan and He knows all that will happen. We can trust Him to work everything to His glory.


Father, I praise You and I thank for all that You have done through me. I’ve not always understood at the time why things happen, but I know that I can always trust You. I will not allow my heart to get bitter and angry toward circumstances, but I will trust You to work everything for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.