
Christian Devotional – January 4, 2023

The God who Hears, Day 3

Do we see God moving in others? Read 1 Samuel chapter 3.

I have read through this passage numerous times, and I’m always struck by the innocence of the young Samuel hearing the voice of the Lord for the first time. Yet, if it wasn’t for Eli, Samuel might not have recognized what was happening. Eli was the one who directed him on how to listen to the Lord and respond. Eli was the one who recognized what was happening.

How many times has God tried to speak to me and I didn’t recognize it? How many times has God had a message for me, and I was too busy looking other places for the answers?

Eli was able to recognize God and give direction to young Samuel. When we see God moving in the lives of others, do we share with them? Do we seek to point the people toward God in every situation and circumstance, even when he’s not readily visible? On the flip side to that, how often are we open to suggestions of others when we might be missing what God is trying to share with us? God wants to speak to us. We are responsible for listening to him and seeking him.