
Christian Devotional – July 14, 2016

Read 1 Peter chapter 3


1 Peter 3:11–They must turn from evil and do good, they must seek peace and pursue it.


As Peter is sharing here, he gives us 3 things we are to do. We are to turn from evil, do good, and seek peace. When we look at all the activities in our lives that we do on a daily basis, do they fit into one of these three categories. Are we turning from evil? Are we doing good? Are we seeking peace? Then, he tops it off with the idea that we are to pursue these. We can’t just sort of look for peace, we must actively, diligently, relentlessly, chase after it. We must pursue it. Again, when we are looking at how we spend our time each and every day, does that describe us? If not, why not?


Father, I know that this describes some of my day, but not all of my day. Help me to be relentless in my focus on turning from evil, doing good, and seeking peace. Give me laser-like focus on it so that I am pursuing it. I desire what You desire and this is what You have for me.