
Christian Devotional – July 14, 2024

Times of Transition, Day 10

Solomon’s reputation. Read 1 Kings chapter 10.

The Queen of Sheba came for a visit. She had heard of the wisdom of Solomon but interestingly she had also heard about his relationship with the Lord. She came to test him and to see what that was like. What she found was that Solomon was indeed as wise as his reputation suggested. As a result, she praised.

God it’s interesting to note that what she had also heard about was his relationship with God. not just about his wisdom. She understood where his wisdom came from. She praised the Giver of that wisdom not the recipient. As she understood who God is and what God can do, she gave the praise where it deserves.

Do we praise God who gives us everything that we have? Do we praise God who gives others everything that they have. We need to recognize where the gifts come from.