Christian Devotional – June 28, 2022
The One Jesus Loved, Day 23

Which one will we choose? We are constantly surrounded by examples of the things that we should do and the things that we should not do. The same was true of the church that John is writing to. Read 3 John 1:9-14.
John gives two examples of individuals from the church that he is writing to. One is an example of issues and problems and things that we should not be doing and the second is an example of one who is walking in truth.
No matter where we are or what we are going through, we are constantly surrounded by examples of people. We must decide who should we be following and who should we not. Are we willing to follow the example that John sets in love? Will we follow the example that Christ sets in love? These are who we should be following and living out every single day. Our world is full of so many examples of what not to do that we must be diligent and focused on what we should do. Will we choose to follow the true example set by Christ? Imitate Christ.