
Christian Devotional – March 2, 2023

Principles of Leadership, Day 5

A Leader is something you become. Read Matthew 20:26.

In this chapter, we see a couple of Jesus’s disciples asking to be given positions of leadership. However, Jesus explains that they do not know what they are asking for. However, he goes on to explain more about what it means to become a leader.

You see, “leaders” are not necessarily something that people are. “Leaders” are something people become. Just because you are not a leader today doesn’t mean that you can’t be a leader tomorrow. As we read this verse, we see that the process of becoming a leader is often opposite of what we think it should be. Our ability to lead is directly related to our ability to serve. Only as we become more focused on serving others will we truly be able to lead.

Where are we focused on today? Are we expecting to have leadership just handed to us? How do we focus on becoming more of a leader today?