Christian Devotional – March 27, 2024
Psalm and Praise, Day 84

Better. Read Psalm chapter 84.
Today was a rough day. Lots of emotional highs and some challenging lows. Reading this psalm tonight I am reminded that life is full of frustration, unfairness, and problems. One minute things can be going well and the next I find myself questioning whether I should even bother “keeping on.” The ups and downs of this life are challenging.
The question I end up asking myself after a day like today is, “Why does God have me right here, right now?” I know that there is purpose in everything that God does and what I am going through is with his knowledge and approval. But that doesn’t make it any easier. Still, knowing that I am standing in the will of God for my life is worth any and all frustration. It is so much better to have just one day in the will of God, no matter how challenging, than it is to be outside of his will.
So, I will walk this path you lay before me, Lord, even though I don’t want to. I will seek the 1 day in your presence, even when it’s challenging, instead of chase thousands of days in comfort and ease. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to praise you, even in the struggle.