Christian Devotional – March 29, 2023
Joshua, Day 1

The timid and nervous leader. Read Joshua chapter 1.
After having studied principles of leadership from the Bible for the last month, let’s take a look at a book written by a man who was very nervous and afraid to be a leader. The book of Joshua tells the story of the man who became the leader of the nation of Israel after Moses. Moses was such an amazing and dynamic leader that Joshua really was nervous about being given the reigns of leadership.
As you read this first chapter, you see all of the encouragement that God is giving him to let him know he’ll be OK and that he will be able to do the task that God has given him to do. Still, even with all of God’s encouragement, it had to have given him confidence to hear the people say the words that are in our focus verse today. They were acknowledging and accepting his leadership.
We can know what God has us to do and we can be focused on doing what God has us to do, but that doesn’t always mean that people around us will be open to being obedient to God. Situations like that are when we rely on God to help us learn how to lead even through those difficult times. How are we communicating to our team and how are we helping them to build unity around the goal and idea that God has put forth? How can we build unity and give purpose and direction to our people today?