Christian Devotional – March 30, 2023
Joshua, Day 2

Reputation. Read Joshua chapter 2.
Joshua sent the people to spy out the land and scout out the enemy. What they learned was that their reputation had gotten there before them. Their reputation was that God was going to honor and protect them and that anyone who stood in their way, God would deal with. This reputation terrified the people of Jericho.
What is our reputation? What do people think about us before they even see us? Are we known for how God has used us and worked in our lives? When I look at the people of Israel, I’m always so impressed with the way they’re reputation went through the area. The surrounding people expected God to move through them. The surrounding people didn’t want to be in the way of the God of Israel. People like Rehab wanted to be on this side of the God of Israel.
What is our reputation? Do people expect to see God do great things through us? What leadership have we shown the exhibits God’s power and strength through us?