
Christian Devotional – March 8, 2016

Read Joshua chapter 6


Joshua 6:16–The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!”


I bet this command came as something of a surprise to the people. After all, they had previously been commanded to keep silent and just march around the city, one a day for 6 days and now they’ve gone another 6 laps on this seventh day. I’m sure they were already tired and confused and working to figure out why they were still out in the hot sun. Now, they were given different instruction. We often do the same thing. We would have wanted to get a group together to study the change in plans and strategy. We would have stated that we needed time to pray about this new direction. However, when God gives us direction, we need to just take that direction and go! Are we open to His leading, even when it is something new and unusual from what we’ve been doing before?



I praise You and thank You for all that You have done. I know that You are the One who authors the plans and the direction. Give me the courage and the boldness to do exactly what You have for me to do, exactly when You want me to do it.