
Christian Devotional – May 23, 2022

Days of the Judges, Day 8

Who leads you? As we think about the next day and read through Judges chapter 8, we see the rest of the story of Gideon.

Gideon did amazing and phenomenal things through the Lord, and God used him in truly spectacular ways to save the people of Israel. However, the people didn’t understand and they wanted Gideon to rule over them. In this verse above, we see Gideon remind the people that it should be the Lord that rules over them.

Who rules over us? Who do we turn to each day as the one we give our allegiance to? God is worthy of all of our praise and he is the one that should lead us everyday. Yes, every day. If we are seeking after or following anyone besides him, we are being disobedient. Allow God to rule your life today.