Christian Devotional – May 4, 2021
Corinthians, Day 23

Do we experience sorrow? Read 2 Corinthians 7.
As Paul wrote this chapter, we see him referencing a letter he wrote to the Corinthians. Apparently that letter has been lost to history, but what we know about that letter is that it created a lot of sorrow for the Corinthian people. Apparently, Paul had to discipline them and chastise them for something that it happened.
Paul recognizes that his letter caused sorrow. Paul clarifies that he did not mean to cause them sorrow or to cause them grief. However, Paul also recognizes that these believers read his letter, experienced sorrow, and repented and turned from their evil ways.
When we experience Godly sorrow, we recognize that leads to repentance. Godly sorrow desires to see us become more like Christ and so we repent and we return to all that Christ is calling us to. Worldly sorrow does not have the same impact on our lives. Are we truly and genuinely convicted by our sin? Does our sin lead to sorrow in us that leads us to repentance? Do we fall on our face before a holy God and beg his forgiveness and cleansing from the areas and our life that falls short? We need more Godly sorrow in our lives so that we can experience the joy that obedience brings.