
Christian Devotional – May 7, 2016

Read Daniel chapter 6


Daniel 6:5–Finally the men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.”


The men hated Daniel and wanted to find a way to discredit or destroy him. So they looked and looked at his life and finally, they couldn’t find anything except his relationship with God. If people wanted to discredit or destroy us, how far would they have to look? What would they found if they did look? For Daniel, the men realized that the only thing they could find was his dedication and relationship to God and they tried to use that against him to destroy him. However, God defended Daniel and that resulted in Daniel’s enemies being destroyed and God being glorified.


Father, it is my prayer that everything in my life will point people to You and speak of my dedication and desire to follow You. I pray that, like Daniel, my life will point people directly back to You and that You will receive all the glory in every decision I make.