Christian Devotional – November 23, 2024
The Vision, Day 29

Arrogance, part 2. Read Ezekiel chapter 29.
The king of Tyre isn’t the only one with an arrogance issue. The Pharaoh of Egypt also is extremely arrogant. God calls him out and indicates that he is taking credit for God’s creation. He’s claiming that he made the Nile, while God is the only one who is the Creator. God made the Nile and all that goes with it.
We can be arrogant and think we don’t need God, like we saw yesterday. Or, we can be arrogant and take credit for what God has done. God will not atand for either. God explains through Ezekiel that he is the creator and the one who works through situations to make them whole. God will not share his glory with anyone.
Are we giving God credit for what he has done, or are we trying to take credit for God’s works?
Check out the video devotional here: