Christian Devotional – November 27, 2021
30 Days of Thanks, Day 27

As we look back on this year, what are we thankful for? Reading day 27 of the 30 days of thanks reading plan on, we see a focus on 2 Samuel 22:50.
How are we singing the praises of God among the nations? Do we focus on how to praise God every day? What all do we have to praise him for as we look back on this year?
This year of 2021 has been interesting. We were all so excited to get to it because it meant we were leaving 2020 behind. Yet many of the same problems and challenges from 2020 were still waiting for us in this year. As we think about this year, we have learned that God is above all and he is over all. We cannot doubt the way that he works and moves in our lives. God will continue to work, regardless of how the world changes each day. We can continue to be thankful for all that he does, knowing that he never changes.