Christian Devotional – November 6, 2022
The Weeping Prophet, Day 33

Fulfillment of promise. Read Jeremiah chapter 33.
As God continues to share with Jeremiah, we see the bigger picture of God’s ultimate plan. God helps Jeremiah to understand that there is a Savior coming. There is a plan for complete redemption. There is salvation to be found.
When we look at the world around us, we understand the sin throughout the world, it’s important to know that God has victory in the end. God understands where we are at and he will judge the sin in the world. However, God will be the Victor. God will bring about victory and we can live in the victory each every single day, no matter what what our circumstances look like around us. We may feel defeated and we need to look around us and see struggle and pain, but God is Victorious and he has promised the victory in the end. You’re always victorious in Jesus Christ.