Christian Devotional – November 7, 2021
30 Days of Thanks, Day 7

How do we represent ourselves and would we be considered thankful? As we read through day 7 of the 30 days of thanks reading plan on, we find ourselves in Colossions chapter 3 verse 17.
No matter what we do, we should be giving glory and thanks to God. This can be challenging for many of us because we go throughout our day and almost run on auto pilot. We are floating from activity to activity and obligation to obligation without truly thinking about what we’re doing in the moment or figuring out why God has us there in that moment. When was the last time we thanked God for allowing us the opportunity to have as many appointments as we do? Do we thank God for allowing us to go to all the things we go to? Are we truly giving God thanks for every situation that we find ourselves in throughout the entire day?
Everything we do should be reflection of Jesus Christ and our thankful attitude is part of that. This is a strong reminder for me as I go through this next week. How am I going to show up at work? How am I going to show up at home with my family? I must choose thankfulness so I can demonstrate Christ to everyone I come into contact with.