
Christian Devotional – October 22, 2015

Read James chapter 2


James 218–But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by my deeds.


Some people try to separate the two, but it is impossible to have true faith with no deeds or to have Godly deeds without faith. True faith in God will lead us to action. We will see that our God is a God who does things and we will want to be a part of the actions and the deeds that God is leading us to. By the same token, if we are doing good deeds, but do not have our faith in Christ, the deeds are meaningless to God. Do we have our faith grounded in Jesus Christ and do our actions daily display Him to everyone around us?


Father, Keep me from separating these two: faith and deeds. I need Your help to be doing the things that You want me to do and I will only be able to do that as I place my faith and trust in You. I love You and I praise You. Thank You for helping me to be more like You in these areas every day.