Christian Devotional – October 25, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 10

Believing in God. Read Jonah 3:3-5.
Jonah was finally obedient. God had given him a command and this time, Jonah obeyed. He went to the city of Nineveh and he shared the message with the people. He really didn’t even give them any kind of hope and he talk of repentance or anything like that. Jonah’s message was simply that God was going to judge them and they would be destroyed. The people believed in God and they turned to God even without any promise or hope of salvation.
When we say we believe in God, do we recognize that God doesn’t have to do anything for us. His response to us is entirely his own choice. God does not owe us anything. Just because we say we believe in him and we are obedient to him, God is not obligated to provide anything for us. Instead, God chooses to provide salvation for us because he loves us and has mercy on us.
We should never mistake the difference. God does not owe us anything. In fact, we actually owe God. Do we repent and turn to him knowing that he is just and holy and deserves our obedience? Even if we receive nothing in return for it, God is worthy.