Christian Devotional – October 27, 2021
Days of Wisdom, Day 27

We need each other. Read Proverbs 27.
As we read all the amazing pieces of advice through this chapter, verse 17 and also verse 19 really stand out to me. Verse 17 explains just how desperately we need each other. We cannot truly be sharp and be the instrument that God has for us to be if we are not in contact with other people who push us to be better. We need other people in our lives to help sharpen us and to make us the tool that God wants us to ne. Verse 19 explains that our life is truly a reflection of who we are and what is in our heart. We don’t have to guess what is in the heart of people, all we have to look at is their lives and we will see just exactly what is in their hearts.
Who is in our life that is sharpening us right now? Who do we have that challenges us to be the very best that God wants us to be? And what do our lives reflect about us? What is truly in our heart if we use our life as the measurement?