Christian Devotional – September 12, 2022
Prayer in Action, Day 25

The work was finished, but the intimidation continued. Read Nehemiah 6:16-19.
Sometimes we think that just because we have finished the work that God has us to do, the problems will end. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case. Satan loves nothing more than to discredit someone who has been successfully used by God in the past. Even our past successes can continue to make us targets for the evil one. Nehemiah was no different. He had been successful, but the attacks and the intimidation continued.
We must continually remain on our guard. We must continue to look to God in every situation and to be faithful to him. We never know when we’re going to experience attack. Our focus on Christ must be a daily, sometimes moment by moment, focus. How can we continue to focus on him more today so that we can withstand the attacks that are inevitable?