
Christian Devotional – September 2, 2016

Read 2 Kings chapter 14


2 Kings 14:26–The Lord had seen how bitterly everyone in Israel, whether slave or free, was suffering; there was no one to help them.


God still sees, even in the hard times. Sometimes people think God isn’t aware of the hardships they go through, but He sees and He knows and He will move and work in the perfect time. Now, I can guarantee that my idea of the perfect time for Him to act and His idea of the perfect time to act is not the same, but regardless, I trust that He will act and that He will do what will bring Himself the most glory. Even in this situation, God used a godless king to bring Israel back to a better place because He saw the suffering of the people and He was moved with compassion. We may not understand why or how or when God chooses to move, but we can always trust that He sees us.