
Christian Devotional – September 26, 2016

Read Romans chapter 9


Romans 9:21–Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?


Our potter, God the Father, has a purpose and a use for each and every one of us. The thing that we each need to remember, though, is that ultimate decision on who He uses for what is up to Him. He will use each and every one of us for His glory, but how He chooses to do that is up to His decision and our obedience. While we often want to be used for “special” purposes, often it is the common use pieces that see the most action and use. However, the common pieces are just as important as the “special” pieces and vice-versa. The real question is are we bringing glory and honor to the Potter, no matter how we are made?


Father, I feel very common and ordinary most days. I know that You have created me and given me Your purpose and I am good with that. Help me to give You the glory even in the midst of the mundane, ordinary things of life. I want to fulfill Your purpose for me.