Christian Devotional – September 4, 2023
The Savior Comes, Day 3

Words and actions. Read Matthew chapter 3.
Today we see the story where Jesus goes down to be baptized by John the Baptist. Also, we also see the message preached by John the Baptist to his people. John wanted the people to understand that his baptism alone wasn’t all that was necessary. When the Pharisees come and John is challenging them, he tells them that they are to produce fruit that is in keeping with their repentance. In other words, their actions should match their words.
No matter what we say about our relationship with Christ, the way we live should match the words we say. The actions are to produce fruit. Throughout scripture we can see the reference to the type of fruit that we are to produce (John 15, Galatians 5:22-23). Does our life produce the fruit of God?