Christian Devotional – November 26, 2023
Revelation, Day 2 Tree of Life, Read Revelation chapter 2. Reading through the letters to the churches is always an interesting challenge to me. This time I saw the reference to the tree of life. There lay time this was referenced was in genesis and God was specifically saying that he was going to keep man from eating of the tree of life. When we are victorious with God we are given the right to go back and eat from the tree of life. Good provides for us to receive freely from him that which was once forbidden. Are we seeking the victorious life that God commands so that we…
Christian Devotional – November 25, 2023
Revelation, Day 1 Everyone will see. Read Revelation chapter 1. We’re going to spend the next several days going through the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation. This book of amazing prophecy is often difficult to understand and many books and sermons have been written and preached about the texts found in Revelation. I don’t claim to understand everything that’s written there, but I know the value of studying what God has to say in every book of the Bible. As we look through this book, we will be reminded that God is in control and that he is always on the throne. As we went through…
Christian Devotional – November 24, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 20 Share the message of what true love is. Read Song of Songs 8:8-14. As we see the closing of this romance story, we understand that true love is pure and honest and is a reflection of Christ’s love for us. God wants the love between two people to match that. There is commitment and passion and heartfelt dedication to each other. There is a desire to glorify God together. How can we continue to enjoy that relationship with our spouse? We must start by having that relationship with our God.
Christian Devotional – November 23, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 19 What is your relationship with your spouse worth to you? Read Song of Songs 8:1-7. As we read through these verses we see just exactly what this relationship is worth to the lovers. It could not be bought or bribed away. When we think about our relationship with our spouse, are we just as committed to them? Nothing compares to the love that I have for my spouse. I wouldn’t trade anything for it.
Christian Devotional – November 22, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 18 Belonging. Read Song of Songs 7:9-13. As the woman responds to the passion and praise that the man has bestowed on her, she makes the statement that she belongs to him and that he desires her. When we think about Godly relationships, this is how we are to interact with each other. We belong to each other and we desire each other. This is also to be true in our spiritual relationship with God. We belong to him and he desires us. Are we focusing our love and belonging on our spouse, if we have one, and on our God?
Christian Devotional – November 21, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 17 Passion. Read Song of Songs 7:1-8. Many times Christian people seem to struggle with the idea that passion and sexuality are actually ideas that God created and envisioned. Unfortunately, the world has so corrupted these that is can be difficult to think of them as Godly. Yet, as we read these verses, we see passion as it was truly designed to be based on the Biblical definitionof marriage. Inside of God’s design, passion and sexuality are beautiful. We are to celebrate what God has created in a way the glorifies and honors God. Does our relationship reflect God’s design and the Godly passion that God…
Christian Devotional – November 20, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 16 What do others notice? Read Song of Songs 6:10-13. Here we see the friends commenting on the relationship of the lovers. They know that there is such love, and they are not wondering about the identity or the people but of the power of the relationship between the two of them. When we talk to our friends about our relationship, what do we say? When our friends talk about our relationship to others, what do they say? We are to enjoy our relationship and to speak positively about it always. If we don’t, why would we expect others to be positive about our relationship? Our…
Christian Devotional – November 19, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 15 Compliments. Read Song of Songs 6:4-9. When we think about a relationship with a loved one, compliments are often part of that thought. We use compliments as a way to share our feelings with those people and to help them understand how special and how valuable they are. The same is true with this relationship that we’re reading about here. The man is using tremendous compliments to explain just how wonderful he knows his love is. He wants everyone to understand the value that she has and all that is amazing about her. While we may read these compliments and not exactly think of them…
Christian Devotional – November 18, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 14 We belong to each other. Read Song of Songs 6:1-3. When we think about a relationship with our spouse, we should understand that we belong to each other. This is not a situation where he belongs only to her or she belongs only to him. However, it’s only when we submit to each other that we truly experience the relationship that God designed for married people. Do we live like we belong to each other? Do we make decisions based on the understanding that we are accountable to each other? We can’t say that we belong to each other if we are not willing to…
Christian Devotional – November 17, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 13 Beloved and friend. Read Song of Songs 5:10-16. Her friends asked her and so now the woman explains all the reasons that she is in love with him. She ends with the comment that he is her beloved and her friend. How many people would say that their spouse is both their beloved and their friend? Often we don’t think of those going together. But, the relationships are truly the best when we understand that those two have to go together.