• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 16, 2023

    Love and Relationships, Day 12 What do your friends think? Read Song of Songs 5:9. When people start in a relationship with someone else, a very common question is to ask their friends what they think of that person. Interestingly, here the opposite is happening. The friends are asking why the woman why she is so in love with him. They can see the love that the woman has for her man and they want to understand what is it about him that she is so captivated by. When we think about the way we love Christ, do others see that love in us? Do others ask us why we…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 15, 2023

    Love and Relationships, Day 11 What do we tell others about our beloved? Read Song of Songs 5:1-8. It’s interesting to listen to people talk about the one they love. Sometimes people will saying negative things about their spouse or put them down to other people. That is not what happens here. The woman loves him and tells others that she loves him. She doesn’t put him down and she doesn’t call out his faults or flaws. Instead, she builds him up and lets them know that she is seeking him and loves him. Our words are a reflection of us. What picture are we giving to others about our…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 14, 2023

    Love and Relationships, Day 10 The passion of love. Read Song of Songs 4:8-16. As we see the man continue to share, we see a man totally and completely in love with his woman. There is such passion and desire in his speech and such longing. It is a wonderful reminder of what Godly marriage relationships are really meant to look like. There is passion and desire and trust in a way that sinful relationships never can experience. Are we experiencing the amazing benefits of a relationship that is based on God’s design for marriage? How can we bring more glory to God in our relationship?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 13, 2023

    Love and Relationships, Day 9 Is love blind? Read Song of Songs 4:1-7. As the man begins to speak in this chapter, he shares all of the attributes of his beloved. He sees her as truly and completely beautiful. When we talk about the idea of love being blind, sometimes that is seen as a negative. However, love should be something where each person is truly attractive to each other. Love should be part of the filter in which we view the individual. We should never be blind about love to the point where we do not recognize the opportunities and challenges that the other person faces, but we should…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 12, 2023

    Love and Relationships, Day 8 A time for love. Read Song of Songs 3:5-11. There is a time for love. I work with a lot of teenagers and it’s amazing to me how many feel that have to find their one true love. It’s always such a reminder that God knows the best time and it’s important to wait for His timing than to try and push it forward on their own. Do we wait on God’s timing for all that we do?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 11, 2023

    Love and Relationships, Day 7 Longing and Looking. Read Song of Songs 3:1-4. As we start this chapter, we see the woman realizing that he love is not with her. She longs to be near him and to have him near her. As a result, she leaves to go look for him. Our relationship with our spouse is to be so strong that we are looking for them when they are not around. Certainly there are times when we will not be together, but the desire should be to spend time together. When we think about our relationship with Christ, do we recognize when we are not with him? Do…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 10, 2023

    Love and Relationships, Day 6 Belonging. Read Song of Songs 2:14-17. What a beautiful picture of belonging and relationship. As we read these verses, we see just how completely and totally each one gave themselves to the other. When we are in relationship with our significant other in a way that glorifies God, we are wholly and completely one. Similarly, as we come to Christ, we become completely one with him. Are we as close as we should be with our spouse? Are we as close as we should be with God?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 9, 2023

    Love and Relationships, Day 5 Relationship. Read Song of Songs 2:7-13. As yhe woman continues to share, we see how important the relationship with her beloved is. She remembers the beckoning of her beloved calling her to come away with him. She desires the relationship. He desires the relationship. When we look at our relationship with our spouse, do we continue to desire the relationship? Do we see the commitment that the other has for us and do we share that commitment? The woman wanted nothing more than to share in the relationship with her beloved. That is to be our desire.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 8, 2023

    Love and Relationships, Day 4 Provision. Read Song of Songs 2:3-6. As the woman continues to speak here, we see her explaining all the ways her beloved provides for her. She is relying on him and is taking her comfort in him. When we are in relationships, we have to trust and rely on each other. There is a sense of being provided for and trusting that is the case. Are we trusting in and relying on the provision of our loved one?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – November 7, 2024

    Love and Relationships, Day 3 Eyes for their love. Read Song of Songs 2:1-2. In these two verses, the two lovers speak back-and-forth to one another. Their focus is on how much they love the other one. They don’t even see other people when compared to the one they love. Yes, they know there are other people in the world, but their focus is on their love. Are we so focused on the one that we love? We are to be that faithful. When we think about our relationship with Christ, are we so focused in him that we don’t see anyone else?