Christian Devotional – November 6, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 2 How do you describe your beloved? Read Song of Songs 1:9-17. As the two lovers are talking back and forth, it strikes me how they talk to each other. They are describing each other with words of affection and love. They are sharing the things they value and how they see each other. Whether we are newly in a relationship or have been married for several years, the way we talk about each other matters. Are we building each other up, or tearing each other down? How do we talk about each other? When I speak about my husband, anyone who hears should be able…
Christian Devotional – November 5, 2023
Love and Relationships, Day 1 How do we define love in our relationships? Read Song of Songs 1:1-8. As we look at this beautiful love story, we are going to see more clearly the importance and impact of love and relationships in our lives. These can often be a direct reflection of our relationship with Christ. In these first few verses we see the woman declare her love for him. She is longing for him and desires his love more than anything. Our intimate relationships are to be characterized by this type of passion and romance. God created love and intimacy, and when we are obedient to the types of…
Christian Devotional – November 4, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 18 God’s concern. Read Jonah 4:10-11. When it comes down to it, the actual definition of evangelism is about sharing God’s concern for others. You see, God has a concern for others and that is why he came. Our responsibility now that we know God and have a relationship with him is to share that message with others. However, the only way we will do that is if we also share the same concern for others that God has. God asked Jonah why He shouldn’t be concerned for all of these people and animals in this city. Jonah wasn’t concerned about them. God was. When we take…
Christian Devotional – November 3, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 17 Death because of a plant. Read Jonah 4:9. As this story continues, we see God ask Jonah again if he has a right to be angry. This time, instead of being about the people of Nineveh, Jonah is angry about a plant. In fact, he’s so angry that he says he wishes he was dead. When God is moving, are we still so focused on ourselves that we get mad at any little thing that inconveniences us? Why do we get mad about the things that we can’t control? Jonah had no control over the plant, the worm, or the wind. Yet he was so very…
Christian Devotional – November 1, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 16 God provided. Read Jonah 4:7-8. When we read these verses, and even looking back at verse 6 from yesterday. The phrase “God provided” is used 3 times. God provides the plant. God provides the worm. God provides the east wind. Who is to say one of God’s provisions is better or worse than another. Jonah certainly liked the plant more than he like the worm or the wind, but the same God provided them all. When I look at my life, I see the things that God provides. Some of them I instantly like. Other things are profoundly difficult. Still the same God provided them. If…
Christian Devotional – October 31, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 15 God continues to provide. Read Jonah 4:5-6. Jonah was mad and God knew it. Still, God continued to provide for Jonah. This wasn’t even a “need” but was certainly more of a “want” for Jonah. God provided shade to comfort him. Now, remember, this was happening while Jonah was waiting on God to destroy the city. The irony of the situation is striking. Jonah was happy with the comfort that God provided him while he waited for God’s judgment on others. Do we want to enjoy God’s comfort while we are waiting and watching for God’s judgment to fall on others? God’s mercy and grace is…
Christian Devotional – October 30, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 14 “Is it right for you to be angry?” Read Jonah 4:4. How many times has God asked me that question? So many things happened in my life that weren’t what I planned and aren’t what I want. Do I have the right to be angry? God continues to act without my “permission” and allows things that I never would. Do I have the right to be angry? God’s plan is different from mine. Do I have the right to be angry? While I know in my head that God is God and I am not, and I understand that I don’t know the whole plan, that…
Christian Devotional – October 28, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 13 It’s not fair! Read Jonah 4:1-3. Well, we saw that God made the decision to spare the people of Nineveh at the end of the last chapter. However, not everyone is happy about that. Jonah’s really angry with God about God’s decision to spare the people of Nineveh. In fact, Jonah gets so angry that he starts starts telling God that it’s not Fair and that he would rather die than live. In the verse before this, Jonah even mentions the characteristics of God that in other places in the Bible are used as a positive description of God. However, here Jonah is using them as…
Christian Devotional – October 27, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 12 God’s grace. Read Jonah 3:10. Jonah had delivered the message. The people had heard and even though they didn’t know how God would respond, they recognized their sin and they repented and turned to God. They fully understood that God might not forgive them and might bring judgment anyway. However, God makes the decision to show mercy on the people of Nineveh. However, nowhere does it say that God told them what his decision was. It doesn’t that God gave Jonah a second message to share with the people. It doesn’t say that God sent another messenger. All it says is that the people repented and…
Christian Devotional – October 26, 2023
Evangelism 101, Day 11 Repentance. Read Jonah 3:6-9. Nowhere in his message did Jonah mention anything about repentance. Nowhere did he say that God would relent. However, the king decided that they would trust in the nature of God and would repent anyway. Often people say they come to God because they want to avoid the punishment of their sin. But, true repentence understands that we actually deserve the punishment. We will still seek to praise God and follow Him, even if he didn’t promise us heaven. Are we willing to, like the people of Nineveh, just come to God and repent regardless of what God offers us in return?