Christian Devotional – October 21, 2014
Read Colossians chapter 4 VERSE: Colossians 4:6–Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer anyone. TRUTH: Through our words we have so much influence. Our words are to be full of grace and overflowing with the ability to preserve people and raise them up. Our words should be spoke with the intention to make people more like Christ. This is how we are to answer anyone and everyone we come into contact with. Do our words express grace while still leading people into a right relationship with Christ. RESPONSE: Father, Your grace is what I need. Allow Your grace…
Christian Devotional – October 20, 2014
Read Colossians chapter 3 VERSE: Colossians 3:2–Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. TRUTH: Our minds are powerful tools. We dictate so much of ourselves and our lives from our brains. When we tell ourselves we can do something, most of the time we will findĀ a way. If we tell ourselves we can’t, then we won’t. As such, it is so important to guard our minds and consciously choose what we are going to thing about. Are we choosing to think about god and Godly things? If we do, then our actions and attitudes will line up with Him. If we allow ourselves to think on worldly…
Christian Devotional – October 19, 2014
Read Colossians chapter 2 VERSE: Colossians 2:6-7–So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. TRUTH: Our coming to Christ is not a one-time thing. Yes, we accepted Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives and are saved, but we continue to live in Him day by day. We must be rooted in Christ, built up in Christ, strengthened by Christ. How do we do this? We must be taught. Receiving Christ is the single most important decision in our lives, but after that,…
Christian Devotional – October 18, 2014
Read Colossians chapter 1 VERSE: Colossians 1:11–being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience. TRUTH: Many of us pray for God’s strength and power. Why do we pray for these? Often, we want to be able to overcome certain things or conquer other things. However here, Paul is writing a prayer for the strength and power of God for the purpose of endurance and patience. We don’t often consider patience a characteristic of strength, yet it takes great strength and discipline to be patient and endure through difficult times. How strong are we in Christ today? Are we strong…