• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 17, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 48 What do we fix our thoughts on? Read Psalm chapter 48. Reading through this chapter, we see such praise of the Lord our God. The question then becomes are we meditating on him. As we read through this chapter, we see that our thoughts are to be fixed on him. When we think about what that means, it means that Christ should be in our thoughts at all times throughout the entire day. Everything we do should come back to him. Everything we think should be a reflection of him. Are we dwelling on him in our thoughts every day? If our thoughts dwell on…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 16, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 47 Show your joy. Read Psalm chapter 47. In this Psalm, we see so many ways to celebrate all that God has done. We are to shout. We are to clap. We are to jump for joy. In what ways are we demonstrating our praise to God today? God has done so many things and because of him we could have joy. How can we show our joy today?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 15, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 46 Refuge. Read Psalm chapter 46. Some days the idea of a refuge just stands out so strong to me. Having a place to go that is an escape and is a safe place is so appealing. So many of the things that I go through every single day remind me of just how desperately I need him. The world is full of sin and the only place I can find refuge is in God himself. Am I focusing on God as my refuge and am I running to him and allowing him to protect and restore and renew me every day?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 14, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 45 Be led by joy and gladness. Read Psalm chapter 45. Appropriately for Valentine’s Day, we read a song about a wedding. As we look at this beautiful discussion of the bride coming into the altar, we realize she is being led by joy and gladness. Nothing could be more appropriate for a wedding day! For us, for every day, what leads us? Are we led by joy and gladness as we go through our day? Many days that is a challenge for me, but it’s good to remember that this is his desire for us. How could we focus on his joy and allow that…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 13, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 44 Why do we boast? Read Psalm chapter 44. As we read through this psalm, it’s really a tale of two stories. We have the beginning of the psalm where the army is victorious and they are praising God. Then we have the ending of the psalm where the army is struggling and experiencing defeat and still praising God. When we go through difficulties and challenges, we are to praise God, but it’s important to remember that during the successes of our lives we must praise God as well. We have nothing to be proud of or to boast in except for the Lord. When we…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 12, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 43 Defend me. Read Psalm chapter 43. It can be easy to feel attacked. So many things that we go through each day feel like we are fighting a battle every single moment. It’s important to remember that God is the one who’s responsible for defending us. God is the one who will vindicate us and make things right when people have falsely accused us. It is not our job to try to defend and ourselves. Our job is to follow Christ obediently and serve him. All vindication and defense comes from the Lord. Are we allowing Christ to defend us today?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 11, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 42 Hope and Praise. Read Psalm chapter 42. Our feelings can be so strong but not necessarily true. As we look at our situations in life, it can be easy to be distracted by all of the sin in the world and to get disappointed. God reminds us that our help is in him. Are we looking at life through him and his hope or are we becoming discouraged?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 10, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 41 Betrayal. Read Psalm chapter 41. Betrayal is as old as mankind. We see and experience that today and yet David experienced the exact same thing back in his day. We know that even Jesus experience the sting of betrayal. How do we respond when we feel betrayed? David’s response is the example. We must bring our feelings to God and ask God to address the situation. We are not the ones to lash back out at that person. God is our witness and God is the one who defends us. Will we allow God to defend us during times of betrayal?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 9, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 40 Our desires. Read Psalm chapter 40. What do we desire? It can be difficult to always know what we are desiring, but if we are seeking God then our desires become to see Him glorified. Are we desiring His will and His law in our lives?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 8, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 39 Watch your mourh! Read Psalm chapter 39. Such a good reminder today. I have so many thoughts that I end up thinking as I go through my day, and most of the time they are not a reflection of what God would say in a situation. I have to constantly watch my mouth. James reminds us in the New Testament that no one can tame the tongue. We see that here with David. How diligent are we to filter what we think through the lens of Jesus before we allow it to come out of our mouth? Are our words and sayings a reflection of…