• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 7, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 38 Waiting for God, even when we’ve been wrong. Read Psalm chapter 38. While there are many verses throughout psalms that talk about the importance of waiting on God, the one today indicates waiting on God when we’ve been wrong. David explains in this psalm that he has done something wrong and as a result, he is experiencing the consequences of his sins. He is going through pain and suffering, and even in the midst of all of that, he says this verse where he is going to wait on God. Not only that, he knows that God will answer him. Even when we mess up,…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 6, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 37 Be still and wait. Read Psalm chapter 37. As we went through the chapter today, we see a situation where David is doing what he is supposed to be doing, but he is waiting on the Lord to take care of his part. We see that we are supposed to be patient and wait. God will move in the way that he needs to, but the timing may not be what we expect. We need to be patient as we are going throughout our day. Every circumstance we see, we can try to figure out the next steps that need to happen. We try to…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 5, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 36 The danger of flattering yourself. Read Psalm chapter 36. If you are busy telling yourself all the wonderful things about yourself and how right you are in every situation, you will never be open to seeing your sin. You will never be able to accept or recognize your own sin. We have to understand that we are flawed individuals. Anything that is good about us is only good because God has allowed it to be and is working through us in that way. Don’t allow our blinders to keep us from acknowledging our sin and seeking repentance.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 4, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 35 Arise and contend. Read Psalm chapter 35. As I read this chapter, I see such a focus on all the vindication that David is asking for. Here knows that God is on his side and he wants to make sure that God sees all that here has endured and that God is going to make it right. When I am dealing with all that goes into a day, it can be easy to forget how he has cared for us. God knows that we are going to struggle with people and that others will not always respect us or God. Will we remain focused on…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 3, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 34 Radiant. Read Psalm chapter 34. We don’t have to fear and we can bring anything to him. The idea that as we look to God, our faces radiate the glory of God, is such a beautiful picture. As we look at all we are doing, are we reflecting the glory of God? We are to continue to look to God and allow him to shine through us.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 2, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 33 Plans and purposes. Read Psalm chapter 33. I have often heard of God’s plans, but what stood out to me in this verse was God’s purpose. The purpose of His heart stands firm through all generations. I love the idea that we can see the purpose of God’s heart. Are we seeking God’s plan and his purpose.

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – February 1, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 32 Acknowledge and confess. Read Psalm 32. This is a beautiful psalm of repentance and confession to the Lord. As we see God moving through the words of this psalm, we understand that he sees all that we do. He knows our shortcomings and failures. When we confess our sins, he forgives us. Are we focusing on our need for repentance and do we come to God in honesty and transparency acknowledging our sin and seeking his forgiveness?

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – January 31, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 31 Who or what do you trust? Read Psalm chapter 31. As I read this verse today, it reminds me that our trust is really only ever going to be in one thing. We are going to trust in the Lord or we are going to trust in something or someone else. David understood that as he was evaluating people, he needed to understand which type they were. Were they the people that trusted in the Lord, or were they peiple who were trusting in something else. An idol can be anything else that takes the place of God. We must recognize when others are trusting…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – January 30, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 30 Wailing and Dancing. Read Psalm chapter 30. I had a conversation this week with a friend who was telling me about someone they spoke with this week. This person believed that if you were a believer in Christ that you be in a good mood and happy all the time. You should always be smiling; you should never be crying or upset or angry. If you were, it was a demonstration of lack of faith. That belief system is contrary to what this verse says. We are not the ones who bring happiness and joy into our lives. We cannot think it up and we…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – January 27, 2024

    Psalm and Praise, Day 28 When was the last time you lept for joy? Read Psalm chapter 28. Today I attended a high school bowling tournament. While I sat there for almost 8 hours, it was so exciting to watch those students be truly joyful about their performances. There was cheering, laughing, high five and pat’s on the back. When someone made a particularly difficult shot, they were so thrilled they would jump up and down. When was the last time we felt that way about our relationship with Christ? God has given us overwhelming joy and our lives should be the essence of that poured out on others. Are…