• Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 30, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 38 No gift is too small. Read Exodus chapter 38. When those women brought those mirrors as an offering, I imagine they probably didn’t think that was a huge thing. Maybe they did; we can’t be sure. But with all the gifts of gold and silver and precious stones that are mentioned throughout the last several chapters, one wouldn’t typically assume a mirror to be a huge gift. However, these mirrors are one of the only mentions that we see of scripture calling out who gave what specifically to help with the tabernacle project. God saw their gift and he considered it important and worthy of…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 29, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 37 The work continues. Read Exodus chapter 37. As work continues on the tabernacle, we see some of the key components being crafted. The ark of the covenant and the altar are both taking shape under the hands and direction of a master craftsman. At the very end of the chapter, we read about the perfume and incense that is being created. All of these wonderful pieces that are wholly intent on celebrating and worshiping God. As we read through these, and even knowing that we do not worship with the ark of the covenant, we still worship the same God. Jesus Christ became the means…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 28, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 36 The Coming Savior, Day 36 Are we being obedient with what we bring to the Lord? Today we see the work continuing on the tavernacle. We read through this chapter and we realize that the people were bringing their offerings to support the work. In fact, they were being so obedient that they had more than enough supplies to build what God had asked them to build. The workers even came back to Moses and said, “Tell the people to stop bringing offerings.” God has more than enough available to him to be able to do absolutely everything that he wants or needs to do.…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 27, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 35 A willing heart. Read Exodus chapter 35. Several places throughout scripture, God talks about offerings. We learn more about what makes up an offering and what the Lord looks for with offerings. Here, we understand that the intent and the heart behind the offering matters. God requested that the people of Israel bring an offering to help with the building of the tabernacle. However, people were only supposed to bring an offering if they were willing. Now, an offering is different than the tithe. The tithe was something that God mandated be brought to him no matter what. But an offering, that was over and…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 26, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 34 The characteristics of God. Read Exodus chapter 34. We see many things in this chapter. Moses experiences the consequences of his sin. God describes himself. We also see the result of a relationship with God. Of all those ideas today, what struck me is the idea that God describes himself. God tells Moses who he is and describes himself to Moses as loving, compassionate, and slow to anger. He also explains that he will punish sin and that evil cannot stand in his sight. Often, we struggle with those two concepts going together. In our minds, someone is either loving or they are judgmental. For…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 25, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 33 Teach me. Read Exodus chapter 33. Throughout this chapter, Moses and God are having a conversation and Moses is desperately trying to learn more about God. Moses wants to understand him better and be able to be closer to him. As a result, that makes this statement. He asks God to teach him so that he can love him and worship him better. When was the last time we asked God to teach us something? While most of us will admit that we don’t know everything, we generally want to learn it ourselves. We aren’t asking God to teach us. However, God is the one…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 24, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 32 Accountability. Read Exodus chapter 32. Exodus chapter 32 is the chapter that may be one of the most famous from this entire book. The people of Israel lose track of Moses. They become unsure of who their leader is, and so they decide to create their own god. They have Aaron create a golden calf for them to worship. As we read through the entire story, no one wants to take accountability for their actions and for their sin. God ultimately goes through and punishes the people, first by having the Levites kill several of them and then next by a plague. Finally God makes…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 23, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 31 God-given talent. Read Exodus chapter 31. As God is giving all of the instructions and directions on how to build this incredible tabernacle, it can seem overwhelming to figure out how all of those things would have been accomplished. Here’s the secret in this chapter. God gave the skills and talents needed to be able to accomplish his will to individuals. God gave them what they needed. God never gives us anything to do that he does not also equip us to be able to do. Every task and every purpose that God sets before us, God also enables us to accomplish it. When we…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 22, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 30 What do you smell like? Read Exodus chapter 30. God is getting down to the specifics with the people. When it comes to the altar and the sacrifices and the most holy places at the tabernacle, there were some things that were specific to that area alone. One thing, there was a special perfume that was only to be worn by the priests. God gave them instructions how to make it, and anyone else who made or wore that perfume who wasn’t a priest was to be cut off from the rest of Israel. So what do you smell like? The people would have been…

  • Devotional

    Christian Devotional – August 21, 2023

    The Coming Savior, Day 29 How do you make things holy? Read Exodus chapter 29. In this chapter, we read all of the different ceremonies and processes that Aaron and his sons went through in order to be considered holy and in order to make the tools and utensils and the altar holy. A lot went into that process! Still, no matter what Aaron did, he could not actually make things holy. Only God could do that. When we look at our lives, we are broken. There is nothing that we can do to make ourselves Holy. God is Holy and only he is able to take the broken pieces…