
Christian Devotional – April 20, 2017

In Ruth chapter 2, versus 8 through 13, our story continues. Ruth has found a field in which to glean grain from. She is working steadily and people start to notice her. Interestingly, in a way that only God could work out, Ruth has found her way to the field of the very person who could redeem her. Boaz takes notice of her and he starts asking his people about her. Boaz then comes up to her and tells her to stay in his field and to work with his people. When we find ourselves in difficult and hopeless situations, like Ruth, we continue to do what we know to do. God continues to work and to move, and he finds us where we are.

Now Naomi is back at home at this point, and she is unaware of what’s going on. When we are dealing with hopelessness we can try to hide from the things that we know we should be doing, but that doesn’t mean that God isn’t still working. Naomi went the whole day without knowing that God was working and moving, but he most certainly was. Are we looking for God? Are we searching him out in the midst of our hopelessness, or are we trying to hide ourselves away? God sees us and he works to find us because he is our hope.