
Christian Devotional – April 25, 2017

We’re going to be spending the next several days going through Philippians. Taking a look at the first few verses in Philippians chapter 1, down through verse 11, we see Paul writing a letter to the believers at the church in Phillipi. He is sharing with them that he knows that they are not perfect yet, but that he also knows that God is working in them and through them. God has a desire and a goal for the people and Paul reminds them that is to make them into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

As we look at our own lives, we must recognize that God has the same desire for us, too. God desires to work in us and through us to bring us to perfection in Him. He knows the steps that it will take for us to become more like Him, and He works with us patiently, seeking each and every opportunity to mold us into His righteousness. Are we willing to be molded? Are we willing to seek His righteousness and His perfection in all that we do. God is constantly moving in us, are we willing to allow Him to change us so that we are a better reflection of Him? Our desire should be to bring His glory and make it visible to all. Does our life display God’s glory today?