Christian Devotional – December 4, 2021
The Coming King, Day 3

As we continue looking forward to the coming of Christ, we are looking at Psalm 80:1-7.
As we continue looking forward into the coming Christmas holiday, we are reminded that Christ came to us. Today we’re looking at Psalm chapter 80, verses 1 through 7. Looking through these verses, we see that we needed a savior. The Psalm is explaining the desperate need of restoration that we have. We are broken and fallen and we need a savior.
Are we willing and able to open up and to allow the Savior to come in? Are we seeking some type of resolution for the desperate need that we have in our lives? This time of year, we have an opportunity to look forward and understand all that God is doing in our lives and all that he wants to do. We need a Savior, and that’s so clearly evident in the verses today. Are we willing and actively looking for a Savior? Will we seek after Christ today?