Christian Devotional – July 15, 2022
Teaching and Training, Day 3

God grace is sufficient. As we read the next section in this training manual that Paul wrote for Timothy, we see that no matter what we have been through in our lives, God’s grace is sufficient for us. Read 1 Timothy 1:12-17.
Paul wants Timothy to understand the magnitude and the depth of the grace and mercy of God. Paul explains just exactly what his own past looked like and how much of a sinner he was, and yet God still had mercy and grace for him.
We can understand the same thing. As we seek to be trained by God we can realize that there is nothing about us that has gone beyond the ability of God’s grace to overcome. We cannot out-sin God’s ability to forgive. God’s grace is sufficient even for the chief of sinners, as Paul considered himself. We have been chief sinners in our own lives, and we desperately need the grace of God. Are we experiencing God’s grace and allowing his mercy to forgive us, no matter what our past may entail.